How to Build a Website the Easy Way

How to Build a Website the Easy Way

You looking for a “How to Build a Website for Dummies” book? Well, I am here to help and without reading a book!

It doesn’t matter whether you are an old fart like me, getting close to 60, or one of the millenials, we all will take the same step by step process to build a website from scratch.

It also doesn’t make a difference whether your site is something you just want to give a try and perhaps make your own personal blog or your site is going to be used for a business. 

The business could be something as simple as a niche site to be used for affliate marketing or, the business could be you offering consulting, coaching, or teaching to those who are looking for those services.

Probably the most difficult part about building a website is finding the right website hosting service. All website hosting services are NOT created equal. Let me say that again, “All website hosting services are N O T created equal.

What is Key in a Website?

Of course the design and look of your website is important and so is easy navigation; however, there are things that are out of your control once you have chosen a web hosting service. These are, in no particular order:

  • Page loading speed – users today have little patience when it comes to viewing a page.
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – if someone is searching for what you are offering and you are on the 6th page of a Google, Yahoo, or Bing search, that won’t do you any good.
  • Website Security – Your page will automatically rank higher with SSL or having an https prefix. Besides, its the 21st century and security IS important.
  • Social Media Integration; Facebook, Twitter, Instragram, Pinterest.
  • Usefullnes of your pages on a mobile device – most people these days do at 50% of their online searches using mobile devices. Some don’t even have computers!
  • Using an easy to use CMS (Content Management System) – if it’s difficult to work around adding posts and pages to your website you will soon be so frustrated you will want to give up.
  • Quality Content.

If you can find a hosting service that offers all of these things without making each one a separate fee that you pay to improve your website then you will be well on your way to building a website that brings in a lot of traffic. That, in turn, will enable you to have more clients, more sales, more fame, or more of whatever the goal of your website is that makes you happy. 

WordPress – Content Management System (CMS)

WordPress is easily recognized as one of the most widely used CMS’s for websites in the 21st century. You used to have to know how to use HTML in order to build a website. Well, not any more!!! WordPress is the best thing since sliced bread! I guess that shows I’m a baby boomer.

How does WordPress benefit you?

  • It is extremely easy to install, at Wealthy Affiliate you can have WordPress installed in less than a minute.
  • You do not need to know any coding or HTML or any of those other confusing things.
  • Thousands of website templates to choose from.
  • Easy to write posts or web pages and publish them, at Wealthy Affiliate there is a site content editor that allows you to publish the page at a click of a button.
  • Large community of people who use WordPress and share the knowledge and experience.

How to Build WordPress Website for FREE – NOW!!!

Just for you I have recorded a video where I show you how to build a website quickly. In less than 5 minutes you can have your WordPress website up and running on the WA servers for FREE!!!

Watch the How to Build a Website in 2 Minutes or Less:

Here’s the best part, if you take action on this here and now I would be happy to help you along the way!

Within a few minutes from now you can be up and running!

Click on the FREE Starter Membership below and we’ll get the ball rolling, there’s no time like the present!

Need help with anything? 

Simply ask!

Feel free to leave a comment below or you can contact me from within Weathy Affiliate from my Profile.

I’ll see you on the inside!


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